Look at all these white assholes,Maher said."The joke is in reference to Kimmel's tearful plea on his late-night show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" for Obamacare in which he revealed his newborn son has a heart defect, a pre-existing condition he said would likely not be covered by health insurance without former President Barack signature health plan. Look at them, high-fiving each other and congratulating him.Liberal political comedian Bill Maher joked Friday night that when the House Republicans passed a bill this week that would repeal and replace that they were telling Jimmy Kimmel's baby to "go screw yourself.
They did it the other day. They told Jimmy Kimmel's baby, go screw yourself. "Somewhere there's an Elks Lodge going: where's everybody? Trump got carried away and grabbed a pussy, [House Speaker injection molding machine screw Representative] Paul Ryan. Nope, they did it."He also took issue with House Republicans joining President Trump afterwards for an event in the film blowing machine screw Rose Garden of the White House celebrating the bill's passage.""[N]ever underestimate these bastards," he said.Maher, on his HBO show "Real Time," said the GOP bill "basically lets the states be the bad guys and deny coverage of people with pre-existing conditions. "We thought we had them a couple months ago, healthcare came up in the House, didn't pass, oh, these fuck ups."There they are